Grant: 22-023C
Project Title: Upgrading the heater-chiller loop for Mote’s Sea Turtle Rehabilitation Hospitals
Project Manager: Gretchen Lovewell
Organization: Mote Marine Laboratory (Non-Profit Organization)
Grant Amount: $4,412.00
Completion Date: 2023-10-18
Summary: This project will fund the purchase of an additional heater/chiller pump to enhance the efficiency of our current two-pump system. The additional unit will prolong the life of current units and increase the chilling capacity in our medical pools.
Results: The AquaCal 60hz heater/chiller was purchased and installed in May 2023. The addition of a third pump has allowed our hospitals to function more efficiently. The need for additional capacity has never been greater. We experienced the hottest summer on record, and our hospitals were often at capacity, with no issues in regulating temperature. The pump was slightly more expensive than the initial quote, but the overage was covered through Mote Marine Laboratory and Aquarium funds.