Grant: 22-019R
Project Title: Immunogenetics and pathogen drivers of fibropapillomatosis in stranded sea turtles
Project Manager: Erin E. Seney, Ph.D.
Organization: University of Central Florida (Research and Educational Institute)
Grant Amount: $15,059.00
Completion Date:
Summary: The infectious tumor disease fibropapillomatosis (FP) occurs widely among sea turtle species and is especially prevalent in green turtles (Chelonia mydas). FP is associated with chelonid alphaherpes virus 5 (ChHV5). Consequences of FP range from mortality to complete tumor regression, and not all turtles with ChHV5 have active FP tumors. Differences in FP occurrence between and within sea turtle species remain understudied and poorly understood but likely relate to genetic differences in FP susceptibility due to high variability of immune genes and could also arise from gut microbiome differences. Thus, conservation actions aimed at mitigating sea turtle disease could benefit dramatically from genetic studies relating FP occurrence and severity to viral infection, genetic diversity, microbiome composition, and candidate resistance genes. The underlying genetic mechanisms contributing to FP in Florida’s sea turtle populations should be identified, with key genetic indicators used to improve and develop the management and conservation approaches needed to treat, prevent, and mitigate FP. Despite a wealth of evidence that immune genes underlie disease susceptibility in wildlife populations and that gut bacterial communities impact host health, we know little about how genetic factors or microbiome composition impact turtle susceptibility to ChHV5 infection and development of FP. To address this knowledge gap, we will analyze over 200 kidney samples collected in 2017-2019 from stranded green turtles, loggerheads (Caretta caretta), and Kemp’s ridleys (Lepidochelys kempii) to quantify herpesvirus prevalence and intensity and to examine immune gene diversity to better inform conservation, management, and rehabilitation.