Grant: 21-034C
Project Title: Expansion of Sea Turtle Rehabilitation Capacity
Project Manager: Secret Holmes
Organization: Gulf World Marine Institute (Non-Profit Organization)
Grant Amount: $7,973.99
Completion Date:

Summary: This grant will provide support for Gulf World Marine Institute, Inc. to partially facilitate the expansion of available rehabilitation space for stranded sea turtles. Hurricane Sally resulted in the forced disablement and relocation of a primary large habitat. The new location will require the installation of an electrical panel to operate necessary life support equipment. Additionally, funds are being requested to purchase life support equipment (heater, pump, and filter) for a fourth T-Row system. Modeled off of existing systems already operating at the facility, the habitat would consist of eight 100-gallon pools (already purchased) connected in a single filtration system. These habitats in particular are vital for the individualized care of critically ill juvenile Kemp’s ridley and green sea turtles, frequently admitted during both New England and St. Joseph Bay cold stun events.
