Grant: 21-012C
Project Title: Partial Funding for a Truck for In-water Research, Stranding Response and Other Programmatic Uses
Project Manager: Richard M. Herren
Organization: Sea Turtle Conservancy (Non-Profit Organization)
Grant Amount: $15,000.00
Completion Date:

Summary: STC’s work in Florida includes in-water research at important foraging grounds in the Gulf of Mexico. Ongoing research trips to the coast have become more difficult because a vehicle needed to haul our research vessel has been either unreliable, unavailable, or costly. In addition, STC will be able to use the truck to assist in transporting sick, injured, or cold-stunned turtles to distant FWC permitted rehabilitation facilities, saving time and resources. Other uses of the truck include transporting large lighting displays, delivering boxes of education materials to permit holders and education centers, moving Tour de Turtles equipment across the state, and many other sea turtle conservation related tasks. The truck will be attractively wrapped with STC and the Sea Turtle Grants Program logos, sea turtle imagery, sea turtle license plate acknowledgement language, and the FWC stranding hotline. The truck will also contain a clipboard for recording mileage and every trip purpose. Because the truck graphics will be so conspicuous and highly visible, this will lead to more people becoming curious about sea turtle conservation and even lead to more people helping sea turtles in Florida.
