Grant: 21-008E
Project Title: Sea Turtle Ambassador Aquarium Repair & Upgrade at MacArthur Beach State Park
Project Manager: Paula Russo
Organization: Florida State Parks Foundation (Non-Profit Organization)
Grant Amount: $9,565.50
Completion Date: 2022-10-19
Summary: This project will provide renovation of the outdoor sea turtle tank and its aquarium system that supports the Sea Turtle Ambassador Education Program at John D. MacArthur Beach State Park. The park manages robust marine education programs designed specifically to build public support for marine conservation. The Sea Turtle Ambassadors are the heart of the education programs. But, threatening the program is worn, outdated aquarium equipment that constantly needs repair. Replacement and upgrading will help to improve the quality of life for the sea turtle in the outdoor tank through a higher level of water quality and temperature regulation.
Results: Our goal was to upgrade and restore the life support system of the outdoor sea turtle tank at MacArthur Beach State Park and this was accomplished. Thousands of people visit MacArthur Beach State Park every year to swim and lay in the sun. But most of these people, if not all, have very little knowledge of the other life forms that are using this natural resource too. And not just for recreation but for survival itself. Signage with text and pictures is a valuable means of educating the public. However being able to see a live animal increases the chances people will be drawn in and get the message and make a personal connection. A live sea turtle is especially engaging for children. Sea turtles housed in the outdoor sea turtle tank are referred to as "Sea Turtle Ambassadors" and are a critical part of the park's educational programs for children. The hope is that when people think of beaches and oceans, when conservation issues are put before them, they will remember their encounter with a live sea turtle, feel a personal connection, and make protective decisions. We received a grant from The Batchelor Foundation which made it possible to spend less of the STGP funds. And we've received another grant from The Freed Foundation which will enable the life support systems of the tanks inside the visitor center to also be updated.