Grant: 17-037C
Project Title: Enhanced surgical monitoring, surgical tools, and supplies for Mote Marine Laboratory’s Sea Turtle Rehabilitation Hospital
Project Manager: Gretchen Lovewell
Organization: Mote Marine Laboratory (Non-Profit Organization)
Grant Amount: $14,285.34
Completion Date: 2018-12-19
Summary: This project will fund the purchase of a multiparameter veterinary monitor, with esophageal probes, rigid laparoscope, total and free chlorine packs, and blood chemistry profile cartridges for use by the medical care staff at Mote Marine Laboratory’s Sea Turtle Rehabilitation Hospitals.
Results: The MidMark multiparameter veterinary monitor, esophageal probes, rigid laparoscope and blood chemistry profile cartridges were purchased. The blood chemistry cartridges are expendable and have all been used. We have not had a patient in need of the veterinary monitor or esophageal probe at the time of this report, but the equipment is here and ready for use. The 5mm 30' laparoscope was used on patient GNL20180120-01 twice for liver biopsies.