Grant: 03-C03C
Project Title: Surgical Equipment for Marine Turtle Rehabilitation
Project Manager: Glenn Harmon
Organization: Clearwater Marine Aquarium (Non-Profit Organization)
Grant Amount: $11,000.00
Completion Date: 2004-08-17

Summary: This proposal will assist municipalities in Palm Beach County to modify, replace, or retrofit coastal lighting which is detrimental to sea turtles and provide five educational sea turtle walks, targeting coastal communities and property owners.

Results: The Clearwater Marine Aquarium (CMA) purchased all the equipment listed in the original proposal, including the V-Top Surgical table (pictured below), has been purchased with the addition of a vaporizer that was needed with the Anesthesia Machine (pictured at right). Since we were able to get an electrosurgical unit donated, the money set aside for this was used to purchase the vaporizer. Cost savings were also achieved for much of the equipment purchases, which offset the higher cost of the Doppler unit and was used to purchase additional surgical supplies. The equipment purchased with this grant has been used in 16 surgical cases at CMA. Overall this equipment improved the efficiency of the rescue and rehab efforts at CMA. (Author: G. Harman)