Grant: 21-029R
Project Title: Expanding sea turtle conservation on Brevard south beaches: Lighting effects on hatchling orientation
Project Manager: Ashley Chelberg
Organization: Stella Maris Environmental Research (Non-Profit Organization)
Grant Amount: $6,937.00
Completion Date: 2022-05-31
Summary: South Brevard beaches are vital to the protection and conservation of marine turtles worldwide. These beaches include The Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge, one of the most important nesting beaches in the world where sea turtles exhibit natal philopatry (returning to their birthplace to reproduce). Light pollution is a definitive form of habitat degradation and is a true threat to Brevard’s sea turtle nesting and hatchling populations. While human development in Brevard County has increased, nesting trends for some sea turtle species is also increasing. In 2020, hatchling orientation index data was collected. We documented dehydrated and disoriented hatchlings during many mornings near identifiable light sources. The proposed project will expand the hatchling orientation index (HOI) performed in 2020 by Stella Maris Environmental Research, measurement of artificial lighting intensity, and effects of artificial lighting on sea-finding hatchlings. We will also include the number of deceased or moribund hatchlings and disorientation reports in our transect data. In addition, educational seminars will be offered monthly to homeowner groups, hotels, motels, and rental properties in the south beaches of Brevard where gatherings are permitted or creative means of information sharing can be devised. Data collected will be sent to FWC/FWRI for integration into their current studies on beach lighting affecting hatchling orientation and compared to historical studies, including temporal analyses.
Results: The light measurement tools. For data collection were purchased: SQM-L photometer and 1 tripod with a wooden platform. The principle investigator has completed a minimum of 12 hours per week throughout the summer into the end of sea turtle nesting season to final payment and has been fully paid. The PI has collected light intensity data at 2 intervals pre and post lighting ordinance in Brevard County. The light intensity data was collected during the most optimal time period during minimal lunar illumination in April and at the end of May, it is applicable for the project. Data was submitted to Tomo Hirama at FWC/FWRI. Principle Investigator has completed the collection of hatchling orientation data and has completed statistical data analysis for hatchling orientation indexing with direction from Dr. Witherington and Dr. Hirama. Educational seminars and outreach activities have been performed with selected partners. Satellite Beach was collaborated with and has implemented a stricter lighting ordinance for their city with the consideration of our work. A coastal lighting impact coalition has been created as a result of the ability to perform this data collection as a fortunate unintended side effect.