Grant: 08-038E
Project Title: Florida Sea Turtle Educational Resource Warehouse Project
Project Manager: Daniel R Evans
Organization: Caribbean Conservation Corporation (Non-Profit Organization)
Grant Amount: $29,900.00
Completion Date: 2009-05-29
Summary: Florida's sea turtle nesting beaches are being put under more and more pressure as the human population in coastal cities and towns continues to grow. These beaches provide some of the most important nesting habitat for marine turtles in the continental United States. Inappropriate coastal development, artificial lighting and human encroachment on nesting beaches can discourage sea turtles from nesting, and it decreases nesting and hatching success. It is of critical importance that Florida's growing human population behaves in a way that minimizes impacts to sea turtles, and that all begins with education. Florida is fortunate to have a network of Marine Turtle Permit holders spread out among most of the state's nesting beaches. Most of these permit holders are individual volunteers or groups dedicated to monitoring and protecting sea turtles. Unfortunately, few of them have the time or resources to develop and print high-quality public education materials that will achieve the kind of awareness-building needed in coastal communities. To alleviate this, the Caribbean Conservation Corporation will utilize its expertise to develop and distribute a “warehouse” of high-quality, accurate sea turtle education resources that can be personalized by each participating permit holder group or coastal business.
Results: The Final tasks for Florida Sea Turtle Educational Resource Warehouse Project are complete, including the printing of the Door-hang Tag and Table-top Tents. The bumper stickers were completed by the 6-month report. The Door-hang Tags and Table Top Tents include a space for local groups, businesses, condos, hotels, etc… to attach an address size label with their local contact information onto the items. Over 150 requests for materails have been received. Materials were most often requested through the Florida Sea Turtle Educational Resource Warehouse Project page of the CCC website. (Author: Daniel Evans)